Pregnancy Acupuncture
Mina Kavia also provides pregnancy acupuncture to facilitate natural healthy pregnancies and satisfying birth experiences. She draws on a solid foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and combines it with modern research to bring the best complementary care possible during the journey into motherhood.
Acupuncture treatments can be used to ease morning sickness, cramping, back, neck and shoulder pain, effectively and without the use of drugs. Treatments can also help naturally prepare the body for childbirth, shortening labour, reducing the use of medical interventions, and reducing anxiety over the birthing process.
How it helps
Nausea and vomiting: Can often occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes (HCG, estrogen), fatigue, stress and other emotional factors. Acupuncture is effective at reducing both the severity and incidence of nausea. Acupuncture can be used as a treatment for nausea anytime during pregnancy.
Musculoskeletal Pain
Research studies have revealed that acupuncture is the treatment of choice for pubic symphysis and sacroiliac pain during pregnancy. Acupuncture is also effective for conditions such as back, neck and rib pain and carpal tunnel syndrome commonly experienced during pregnancy.
Breech and Posterior Presentation:
Moxibustion, a warming herb that may be applied over acupoints has been shown to be significantly effective in turning babies. Women with breech presentation have been offered moxibustion from 33 weeks onwards. This recommendation comes from the New Zealand Guidelines for Evidence Based Practice for the Care of Women. The treatment is ideally applied during 34-35 weeks to late pregnancy, or until the baby has turned. This applies to breech and other suboptimal pre-delivery positions.
Labour Preparation
Acupuncture treatments are scheduled weekly, four to six weeks prior to birth to help prepare the pelvis and cervix for delivery. Studies show that acupuncture treatments result in reduced time during the active stage of labour and a reduction in the need for medical induction and Caesarean section.
If the baby is overdue; acupuncture is a gentle and effective alternative to medical induction. Acupuncture is also helpful 2-3 days prior to medical induction.
Pain Relief in Labour
Acupuncture and acupressure are effective drug free pain management strategies during labour. Acupressure points can be taught to your partner and/or support people. A review of 20 studies showed acupuncture to be a safe and acceptable technique for reducing labour pain and the duration of the active phase of labour.